Tuesday, March 13, 2007


well I was told to update so I guess I should. Life has been pretty busy. Still having atleast one exam a week but I am doing well. I turned in my application for the speech-path. program here so hopefully I will get in. The weather here is BEAUTIFUL!! I have been riding my bike again and started to learn to play tennis and golf. This weekend I am going to my cousin's cabin to experience the great outdoors! Today for a class I had to run 1.5 miles. Now I know that is not far but I am not a good runner so I am happy that I never stopped. It is funny I can glide, bike, or do the stair master thing all day but when it comes to running I am lucky if I get one lap in. (so I know it is just a mental thing) Spring break is in two weeks and I think that I have some friends coming down for part of it so it should be fun. I also started to teach 3 and 4 year olds on wed. nights it is a lot of fun! Last week was my first week so a lot of them were shy but hopefully they will snap out of that...if I don't scare them off first! My roommate is leaving in August for Africa so pray that everything goes well! well I guess that is about it...pretty exciting I know! hopefully by next week I'll have some good stories from my experience in the country!


Courtney said...

these really are glimpses! whats going on? its been FOREVER!

LauriLynn said...

Update again girl!! It's been 3 months!! Time flies doesn't it?!
Hope all is well.