Thursday, December 14, 2006

Random Thoughts

I have one more exam tomorrow morning and I am done! I can not wait to go home but am sad that I won't be with my friends up here. It is so weird I always blow things way out of proportion and often add stress to my life. However, I am the only one I know who is not really worried about exams. Why is that? Do not get me wrong I am glad that I am not stressed about exams but I really just do not have the motivation to take them seriously.

On another note I am going Christmas shopping today and am soo excited. I love shopping it is definitely my favorite thing to do and I am going with someone that I have not hung out with in a while so it will be a good time to catch up before the holidays!

It amazes me how up here in Arkansas people are not really safety conscious. At Tech people did not even lock there car doors. Here people give me a hard time because I always park my car in lighted areas, check the peep hole before I leave (never know who might be outside waiting for ya), always bolt lock my door (becuase the chain lock and knob lock are a joke), do not like to walk to my car alone (someone could easily take me...although dad always told me that they would want to give me right back...wonder why?), and am aware of my surroundings (with my keys in my knuckles). People here tell me I am too paranoid but I guess where I grew up (and it is not a violent town) I just learned that you are safe no where! This is reason number 12 (yes sad but I have a list) why I can not raise my kids in Arkansas. I think I would be seen as a way overprotected mother if I lived here. I mean all the little children friends would be running through the pastors and mine would only be allowed to go half way down the driveway (since driveways here can last forever!)...does not do much for a child's socialization if they can not run with friends. Oh well maybe one of these days (in the far future) I can be a little more optimistic and make a list of reasons to live in Arkansas (however I do not think that the list would be as long) :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doug is also overprotective. I don't think the kids have crossed a street by themselves yet. Doug doesn't let them walk by themselves anywhere. I was much more lenient with the older kids, but then again sometimes the little kids don't pay attention and probably would get run over. Doug won't hardly let me go out on property here, because he says I'm not cautious enough. I keep telling him that no one is going to get me, but he wants me to call him when I leave the office, while I'm out and when I come back. I think you come by it honestly. You will just have to put your faith in God and trust that he will protect you. Bad things happen everywhere. You got to stay in Arkansas though, we wouldn't be the same without you.
Love you,