Sunday, December 03, 2006

So why is it that I do not always trust God? I mean I want to and when I think about it I'm like hey I can do that but when it comes time to trust Him I don't. Recently, I have realized that though I trust God with some aspects of my life I do not trust Him with everyhting. For example I doubt the knowledge I have in Him (that He has provided me with). Like in class I have an answer for a question but do not have the confidence to say it and then someone else says the exact samething and I get mad that I did not have the guts to say it. Also, I have some friends that are interested in learning more about God. The only people I have been able to study the bible with are middle schoolers. I feel like it is a lot different to study the bible with these girls compared to someone in college. (I could be wrong though who knows...) However, I know that if I trust in the Lord he will help me and open their hearts to His word.

I also have trouble trusting that God will do what is best for me. Often times I want an answer to what is coming in my future right then. Instead I know that I should just be patient and trust that He knows what is best and will bless me far beyond what I can imagine. It sounds so easy to trust in Him knowing that he loves me enough to always provide but it is something I struggle with daily. I strive to be more patient and Trust the Lord in every part of my life.

On another note I saw The King and I the other day live and it is amazing! I love the movie and loved the play even more. I have also decided that I always need to have my camera with me. Here in Arkansas i notice more that families do ALOT together and I want to take pictures so that my future husband can know what I expect. That is a way to get a guy dont you up on a date with a photo album and be like this is what we are going to do with our children if we get married like it or not (no wonder I haven't found the one yet!) One thing that I have been finding funny lately is that people want ME to teach them how to cook! haha now that is funny! I knew nothing until I was out on my own and had to fend for myself. I told them I would teach them to cook doing what I do...following recipes. Another thing that is funny was that people were asking me for a recipe of a dessert that I showed my roommate how to make. I never thought that these two things would ever happen! Also, I do not have enough blogger smarts to figure out how to put titles on this thing so your help will be much appreciated :)

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