Thursday, January 18, 2007

So I am back from Christmas Break and am trying to get back into the swing of things. This past weekend I went to Panama Beach for a college "rally" thing. It was so amazing! I went last year and did not enjoy it but loved it this year! We talked about receiveing our missions from God and letting Him mess with us.

It has been officially one week of the spring semester and I am so ready to quit. I had a practice quiz in Phonetics and did horrible! I keep reminding myself that I have only had this new alphabet to study for only 2 days and with that considered I did pretty good. I have an anatomy quiz tom. (which I was ready for until I talked with my roommate about it) and then a real quiz in phonetics on Tues. and then an exam the next Tues. (wow that is a run-on sentence!) Don't these professors know that it has only been a week of school? My poor brain is shot! I decided that this weekend I should go millionaire hunting and get married so I can get out of school and be financially secure! After all, I do plan on being a stay-at-home mom so why shoud I have a degree?? (okay so I am being a little irrational...I know why I need a degree).

Today also marks day 3 of working out again. I did a little bit over the break but I mostly was lazy and ate a lot!! Hopefully, I will lose the weight I gained in no time. It should be easy since I am cooking for myself again! Daddy always said I would have to marry a man that wants to eat out a lot or has an iron stomach however I do not think I am THAT bad! Other people willingly eat my food so it is better than the caf.

I am a little excited because it has been cold. I do not like cold weather but there is suppose to be a wintery mix on the way...could this mean snow that will stick?? I sure hope so since I have never played in real snow and have only seen real snow fall from the sky and not stick like once in my life! If it doesn't stick I will be disappointed because that means I endured this cold, harsh weather for no reason!

Well I better get going and study some more anatomy!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Becca,
I'm so glad that you are back, we missed you. I think that the professors had to long of a break and came back with a vengence. I'm glad that you had a good time at the rally. Just hold on to that feeling and maybe it will carry you through all of those tests. I don't think that we will get the real snowy stuff this time, but usually we have at least one time during the winter that it sticks. I think that it will be February or March. Almost always when the daffadils bloom they get layered with a little snow before summer comes.

Glad that your back,

Jan said...

I talked to the Treloar's sitter - Amy - today. She's in communication disorders too and said that phonetics is the worse. She said you'll make it though!